Notice What You See

Do you take notes in the margins while you’re reading? Underline phrases that speak to you? I’m guilty of both! We tend to see the “big picture” but sometimes a small something catches our eye and we want to remember it.

It doesn’t stop there.

You’ve heard the saying “it’s in the details.” Artists whose works are reproduced as prints sometimes add a small hand-done sketch in the margin of the print. It’s called a remarque. It makes the print unique and adds to its value. I like to do that too. (Well sort of.)

  • Sometimes I add my version or a remarque to a sketchbook page, a little something that caught my eye while I was painting a scene.

  • It's also why I chose the name Remarque Design. We strive to pay attention to the details.

There are other little things that call for our attention and are remarkable.

A long time ago, I was hurrying along the street. I heard a voice calling, “Miss, did you drop this?” I turned and a young man was waving my sunglass case. I didn’t notice I dropped it. I thanked him profusely, then he turned and crossed back in the other direction. He really went out of his way to do a good deed, such a seemingly small thing. I don’t remember where or why I was going in such a hurry, but I still remember his kindness!

Since September is like the beginning of a new year for me. This is my New Year resolution –

Notice what I see and remember what I notice.

On Facebook and Instagram I’ve started to post with the hashtag #remarqueofthe day


The Little Things:

  • Seen

  • Heard

  • Acts of kindness

  • Surprises

 and the list will probably grow.

Give it a try! 

In a time when we spend so much time in the digital world the book The Art of Noticing  by Rob Walker is an eye opening and fun guide to to appreciating our everyday world. If you want to explore more check it out!

Notice what you see! Remember what you notice.




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