Creature of Habit

What to Do?

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. It has been my habit, throughout Lent, to choose something to give up and something positive to do.
Gratitude is my word of the year. Thinking of all I have to be grateful for it hit me that the little things people do, sometimes without even realizing it, add to my reasons to be thankful.

Tying Them Together

During these days of question, change, and uncertainty  I’ve also been thinking about what I can do to help. I read two quotes that sum my thoughts

  • “I am a little church(no great cathedral)” - E.E. Cummings

  • “For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.”  -Khalil Gibran

They tied Lent and Gratitude together for me.

“To Do” For Lent 

My “to do” for Lent is to be sure to express thanks for anything big or small.

  • someone held a door for me

  • the bagger at the supermarket checkout

  • gave me a complement

  • a gift

  • a favor

  • being a friend

  • shared memories

You get the idea.


The simplest  way is to say it. Another way is to send them a note. There is nothing like a written thank you note to bring a smile to someones face! My plan is to also keep a set of thank-you notes on my desk and send them when grateful thoughts come to mind.

They say it takes about thirty days to form a new habit. Lent is forty days. Maybe this will be a life habit not just a Lenten practice.

For reading this blog


What Time Is It?


Random Acts of Kindness